" I trust Chamuel to guide me to love and care for myself fully, including taking care of my physical body. I ask him to help me continue to practice deep self-care no matter what is going on around me."
Archangel Chamuel, is the angel of pure love ( one who seeks God ) a powerful being of light. He helps us with self-forgiveness and self-esteem.
Notes: I defiantly struggle with forgiving myself for situations I put myself through. I ask myself all the time, ' why did I do that '. That question is so hunting because I know now what my life would have been if I would've done things different.
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Angelic Reading:
' It's time to take the care and feeding of your body and soul seriously. By accessing that deep well of love within, you can share it with others.'
***Comes from my personal reading by Aurora Starr- Your Soul Guide