" I full receive this victory and success. I am grounded in myself and know that my efforts make a difference. I receive the gifts of this time openly and acknowledge the lessons I've applied to get here. I am full of gratitude for those who have supported me along the journey and give of myself to others in the same way."
Tarot Card: Six of Wands
' Victory and Success ' the Six of Wands appears after you've reached a turning point toward a significant goal. I will start seeing validation of a breakthrough very soon. And it is an acknowledgement after a difficult period.
It's a way to know my efforts are indeed being rewarded as well as seen. This os not from a place of ego, but as a way of inner knowing that dedication pays off.
I've harnessed my strengths, accessed my gifts and used my talents to get to this place!
Right now it is important for my to look back on the steps I took to get here and the choices I made. It will enable me to access this level of success the next time I face a challenge or difficulty.
*** My Personal Reading Comes from -Aurora Starr- Your Soul Guide