" As I go about my day I move into the divine realization that I am doing exactly what I need to be doing to reach and achieve my highest goals. I release any mind-chatter telling me I need to do anything different or better. I relax knowing I am divinely guided and inspired on this path."
Notes: Definitely been having some mind-chatter going on but I have been pushing on through ignoring the negative talk.
Tarot Card: Knight of Pentacles
' My work and dedication to my goals is exactly what is needed right now! I am nailing it!
I am being advised to keep plodding along as I have been and stick to my usual routines.
The Knight of Pentacles indicates there's no need for drastic action or changes at this time. The universe is giving me a "nod " that I will get where my heart and soul want to go by keeping on keeping on.
Also indicates I'm doing what needs to be done! Slow and steady wins the race.
****My Personal Reading comes from Aurora Starr- Your Soul Guide
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