Today’s Affirmation: "With gratitude I honor the deep wisdom I’ve been given along the path. I honor each lesson, no matter how difficult, for it brought me here. I celebrate this moment and I allow the feeling of gratitude to bathe my cells."
Tarot Reading
Congratulations! The world is your oyster right now!
The World card appears in a tarot reading as a sign you have moved to a new, well-deserved level of accomplishment in your journey.
Right now, you are being invited to reflect on your journey so far and acknowledge the lessons and opportunities you experienced on the way.
In fact, you are being told that to move forward you must look at how you got here and consider the pieces that make up the whole (just like the world is made up of multiple continents and bodies of water).
I don’t know if you do this, but sometimes I get so focused on what’s next or what I need to do that I forget to stop and celebrate all the successes I’ve had along the way.
There is always so much to get done that it takes a shift for me to stop and celebrate all I’ve seen and accomplished.
Now is a time for you to stop and smell the roses! A time to enjoy and celebrate!
Most of us have heard the studies on the effects of gratitude... not only is it good for your body, it’s also like a spiritual fast track.
The World shows up in a reading demonstrating there is much for you to be grateful for as this is a significant time of completion, peace, fulfillment, and success. You did it!
It also represents that you’ve turned all the knowledge you’ve gained along the way into truth and wisdom.
They have provided you with the knowledge, wisdom, and lessons to bring you to a time of celebration.
To your celebrations,
Aurora Starr
Your AstroTarot Guide
**My personal reading ( emailed )